[nycphp-talk] CMS Presentations WAS: CakePHP: what do you think?

Hans Zaunere lists at
Fri Jul 28 17:11:00 EDT 2006

Mitch Pirtle wrote on Friday, July 28, 2006 4:48 PM:
> On 7/28/06, Baer, Jon <jbaer at> wrote:
> > 
> > Id be more interested in hearing what Mitch or the Joomla folks
> > think about them (I missed the meeting) but definatley would have
> > been a question I would have asked ... picking frameworks vs.
> > rolling your own ...   
> At this point, you're crazy starting your own, there are already a
> glut of them to choose from. That's the answer I would have given you
> had you been there to ask ;-)
> When I presented the 1.5 API to BostonPHP I met with one of the
> CakePHP guys at the irish pub across the street. I'm asking him if
> he's interested in making a talk here at NYPHP, and am quietly
> hopeful.
> <aside>Why is it, that every PHP user group has an irish pub
> nearby?</aside> 

Sssh Mitch - don't get the conspiracy theories going more.

> Speaking of build environments, I've recently fallen helplessly in
> love with phing ( and wonder if me or someone
> else would be able to make a presentation of that tool. Anyone else
> out there interested in that topic?

We've had a lot of exposure to Joomla and family (by the way thanks Mitch
for an always great presentation) and we'd certainly like to have some other
CMSs present.  If anyone is in the tri-state area, or would be willing to
travel, let us know, or put us in touch with someone.

Our fall schedule is mostly open but we have pending presentations so tell
us soon.

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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