[nycphp-talk] eZ Publish follow up? Was: Re: CMS Presentations

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Fri Jul 28 19:30:16 EDT 2006

On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 05:11:00PM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:
> We've had a lot of exposure to Joomla and family (by the way thanks Mitch
> for an always great presentation) and we'd certainly like to have some other
> CMSs present.  If anyone is in the tri-state area, or would be willing to
> travel, let us know, or put us in touch with someone.
> Our fall schedule is mostly open but we have pending presentations so tell
> us soon.

If anyone is interested, I could put together a follow up presentation
to last Fall's eZ Publish presentation.  In that area, there is two
directions I could take.

In the CMS theme:
    Getting started building websites eZ Publish 3.X
    - Installation & Configuration
    - Templating
    - Creating new Content Classes
    - Access Control

In the framework theme:
    Building web-apps using eZ Components in PHP 5
    - A brief overview of the set of components
    - Focus on some of the major ones:
      - DB
      - Logging
      - Templating
      - Configuration
 (Not necessarily set in stone of course! Just some thoughts.)

I think both would be tutorial-like.

FYI, the eZ Components topic isn't very applicable to current release
(3.8) of eZ Publish, but they will be the foundation for the eZ platform
Application Server to be released in December 2007. That in turn will be
the foundation for the next major versionof the eZ Publish CMS named
Telemark and to be released in December 2008.

Any interest in either one?  Thoughts on things you might like to see

Here are some urls to check out:
    eZ Publish
    eZ Components
    eZ Platform announcement
    The roadmap

Andrew Yochum
andrew at

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