[nycphp-talk] eZ Publish follow up? Was: Re: CMS Presentations

Kenneth Downs ken at
Mon Jul 31 12:47:12 EDT 2006

Andrew Yochum wrote:

>On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 05:11:00PM -0400, Hans Zaunere wrote:
Sounds interesting to me.

>>We've had a lot of exposure to Joomla and family (by the way thanks Mitch
>>for an always great presentation) and we'd certainly like to have some other
>>CMSs present.  If anyone is in the tri-state area, or would be willing to
>>travel, let us know, or put us in touch with someone.
>>Our fall schedule is mostly open but we have pending presentations so tell
>>us soon.
>If anyone is interested, I could put together a follow up presentation
>to last Fall's eZ Publish presentation.  In that area, there is two
>directions I could take.
>In the CMS theme:
>    Getting started building websites eZ Publish 3.X
>    - Installation & Configuration
>    - Templating
>    - Creating new Content Classes
>    - Access Control
>In the framework theme:
>    Building web-apps using eZ Components in PHP 5
>    - A brief overview of the set of components
>    - Focus on some of the major ones:
>      - DB
>      - Logging
>      - Templating
>      - Configuration
> (Not necessarily set in stone of course! Just some thoughts.)
>I think both would be tutorial-like.
>FYI, the eZ Components topic isn't very applicable to current release
>(3.8) of eZ Publish, but they will be the foundation for the eZ platform
>Application Server to be released in December 2007. That in turn will be
>the foundation for the next major versionof the eZ Publish CMS named
>Telemark and to be released in December 2008.
>Any interest in either one?  Thoughts on things you might like to see
>Here are some urls to check out:
>    eZ Publish
>    eZ Components
>    eZ Platform announcement
>    The roadmap

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