[nycphp-talk] Working with PDF

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Thu Jun 15 11:51:06 EDT 2006

Thanks to all for the helpful information.  It looks like FPDF and FPDI 
may fit my needs and I'm currently working through the tutorials for the 
FPDF class.  Importing my existing PDF as a template using FPDI sounds 
like it could be an ideal solution. 

Also ordered the PDF book recommended by Dan:

I'll post at some point during or on completion of the project if I have 
helpful information or feedback about these classes.



Joshua Glenn wrote:

>The last several days i've been working with fpdf and fpdi, which allows you
>to import an existing pdf as a template. So far it's been working pretty
>well. Some of the methods seem to be a bit buggy, such as MultiCell, but
>overall it's very nice.

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