[nycphp-talk] phpcon 2006

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sun Jun 18 09:53:43 EDT 2006

michael wrote on Saturday, June 17, 2006 9:21 AM:
> I had to leave a little early on Friday, so I may not have had a
> chance to say goodbye to everyone.
> All in all, the conference was very well done.  Kudos to the
> organizers (Hans?).  I especially like seeing Rasmus Lerdorf (my
> first time) not just to put a name with a face, but also to hear his
> insights and concerns.

Thanks Michael... I think it was a success by all measures.  That said, I'm
happy it's over - well until next year anyway.

> I spent most of my time in the more technical track (org track) and
> took in some great talks.  While the specific technology talks were
> invalualble, I found the "tip-n-tricks" and "best practices" sessions
> by John Coggeshall and Laura Thomson to be the best.
> Thanks again for the effort and bringing the Con to NYC.

It certainly isn't easy to do an event in NYC.  Ironically, several weeks
ago I was surveyed by a City business development agency regarding this very
topic.  Perhaps this conference and others from organizations like NYCBUG,
will be a starting point for progress for getting conferences back into the

Thanks all,

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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