[nycphp-talk] $_server['server_name'] versus $_server[http-host']

Michael Sims jellicle at
Thu Mar 16 14:11:33 EST 2006

On Thursday 16 March 2006 13:23, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> If I have several URLs points at the same server and want to setup my
> links to refer to the URL that was originally submitted, does this mean
> I should be using http_host, not server_name?

http_host is going to be whatever the user sent you.  server_name is going 
to be whatever the ServerName directive in Apache says.  These may be the 
same, or may be vastly different.  Using http_host may be dangerous.

A) user asks for "".  Apache's setup catches the request with a 
VirtualHost block with a ServerName of "".  Both variables are 
the same.

B) user asks for "".  Apache's setup catches the request with a 
VirtualHost block with a ServerName of "" and a ServerAlias 
of "".  server_name should now be "" while 
http_host is still "".

C) user asks for "<script>hack me! hack you! hack everyone!</script>".  
Since that isn't set up as a ServerName in your Apache setup, Apache's 
setup catches the request with the DEFAULT VirtualHost block with a 
ServerName of "" and a ServerAlias of "".  
server_name should now be "" while http_host is 
"<script>hack me! hack you! hack everyone!</script>".  Echoing http_host 
back to the user is possibly dangerous.

I think we've had this discussion before about script_name and php_self and 
so on.  Don't trust user input.

Michael Sims

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