[nycphp-talk] not including '.php' in URI

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Mar 20 14:47:28 EST 2006

inforequest wrote:
> haha never execute a tactic without a defined objective... if it has 
> side effects that will come back to bite you ;-)
> (in other words, don't rock the boat doh!)
> What are the "added benefits" ?
> - you look more like a Web2.0 app
> - you make it easier for people who use search engines to find PHP 
> materials (instead of  .php files)
> - you make management wonder if you really are using java for web 
> development like they think you should
> - you are more "search engine friendly" by the 2004 definition
> Seriously, how about:
> - you establish the potential for long-lived URLs that survive a change 
> in technology (weak excuse, not likely, but theoretically ok)
> - you are slightly more search engine friendly
> - your URLs are slightly more user friendly, more likely to get 
> remembered, bookmarked, etc.
> - friendlier URLs are more likely to get backlinks, and deep backlinks 
> are more desireable than root backlinks
> - it leaves more room for innovation down the road (ties into the first 
> reason on this list...long-lived URLs)

Noone wearing their sys admin hat today?

OTOH, making your web server parse all files as PHP will likely increase 
the load...

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