[nycphp-talk] Arctic Issue Tracker - Any Good?

Greg Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Sat Mar 25 00:21:51 EST 2006

> >
> +1 for Trak. Also Mantis works good, although I haven't admin'ed it nor
> pushed it at all.

-1 for Trak[sic].

I think the advantage of Trac is that it combines everything in one package:
SVN repo browsing, issue tracking, milestones and a wiki.  So, it does carry
a lot of bang for the buck so to speak.  With one system, you've got a lot
less to maintain.

The problem with Trac is that it's not very good at any of them.  The wiki
is horrible... very picky and sometimes awkward with it's syntax, plus a
lack of features (eg. categories).
1. this
1. is
1. a
1. numbered list
=This heading won't work=
= But this one will = (it's got spaces between the '=' and the text)

Mediawiki would be a much better wiki engine.

The svn browser can't handle large changesets properly (freezes)

cvsweb would probably be a better web repo browser.

The issue tracker is not something I'd want to make customer facing.  In
fact, it doesn't seem to be geared for both external and internal use.
(Unless by external you mean outside developers of your software.)

I'm still looking for a good issue tracker.  I'm glad to have come across
this thread so I can check some of the links provided.


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