[nycphp-talk] Arctic Issue Tracker - Any Good?

Ophir Prusak prusak at
Thu Mar 30 17:46:25 EST 2006

for those looking for options, i found these pages with a nice list of options:


On 3/25/06, Greg Rundlett <greg.rundlett at> wrote:
> > >
> > +1 for Trak. Also Mantis works good, although I haven't admin'ed it nor
> > pushed it at all.
>  -1 for Trak[sic].
>  I think the advantage of Trac is that it combines everything in one
> package: SVN repo browsing, issue tracking, milestones and a wiki.  So, it
> does carry a lot of bang for the buck so to speak.  With one system, you've
> got a lot less to maintain.
>  The problem with Trac is that it's not very good at any of them.  The wiki
> is horrible... very picky and sometimes awkward with it's syntax, plus a
> lack of features (eg. categories).
>  E.g.
>  1. this
>  1. is
>  1. a
>  1. numbered list
>  =This heading won't work=
>  = But this one will = (it's got spaces between the '=' and the text)
>  Mediawiki would be a much better wiki engine.
>  The svn browser can't handle large changesets properly (freezes)
>  cvsweb would probably be a better web repo browser.
>  The issue tracker is not something I'd want to make customer facing.  In
> fact, it doesn't seem to be geared for both external and internal use.
> (Unless by external you mean outside developers of your software.)
>  I'm still looking for a good issue tracker.  I'm glad to have come across
> this thread so I can check some of the links provided.
>  Cheers,
>  Greg
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Ophir Prusak

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