[nycphp-talk] Mysql Client Version Wrong.

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Mar 31 13:44:02 EST 2006

update the password for the mysql user using old_password('yourpassword').
Here is more info:

Hans Kaspersetz wrote:
> I have a windows xp box with php4 on apache 1.3 and php5 on apache 2 and 
> the db is MySQL 4.1.  When I start the php5 apache phpinfo reports 
> Client API version 4.1.18.  When I start php4 and Apache 1.3 phpinfo 
> reports Client API version 3.23.blah.  I can not figure out how to 
> update my client version for the php4 instance.  When I try to connect 
> to the 4.1 db with the php it complains about the wrong client.  There 
> was at some point 3.23 on this box, but that was ages ago.  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Hans

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