[nycphp-talk] AJAX and character encoding

tedd tedd at
Mon May 8 09:22:47 EDT 2006

At 4:45 PM -0400 5/7/06, Marc Antony Vose wrote:
>However, we ran into a site feature of theirs that basically required
>AJAX, because they wanted to display an endless bunch of data in a
>small place without a page reload required to see more items.  I
>didn't know until I built the feature that AJAX requests default to


I didn't know that -- where's that default at?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are simply injecting code into a 
static web page, isn't it the <meta... utf-8> tab of the page that 
sets the charset?

Ajax simply prompts a php routine to prepare stuff for ajax to take 
back an inject into whatever you want between html tags, right? At 
least that's the way I'm doing it -- but, I'm simple that way.

See -- I have several ajax examples there and I'm 
currently working on a similar project as you -- namely creating a 
static web page that takes an endless bunch of data and presents it 
to the viewer without reloading. I should be done with it by today, 
if you want to collaborate.



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