[nycphp-talk] [OT] dedicated server email woes

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu May 18 15:21:01 EDT 2006

Jack Scott |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

> Russ- phpMailer is an interface to the sendmail function which uses an 
> MTA like sendmail or POSTFIX, so adding this to the mix wont do anything.
> Marc - Your host is right, you need proper SPF (Sender Policy 
> Framework)records as well as a record which resolves to your mail 
> server IE:
> Go here and use these tools:
> Also, are you handling your DNS or your host?

It does sound like an open SPF issue.  Check that your from field 
matches the dns lookup of the domain by IP. More servers every day are 
dropping mail that says it comes from a domain that doens't pass lookup 


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