[nycphp-talk] LDAP for web authorization?

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Nov 2 09:30:35 EST 2006

On 11/2/06, R. Mariotti <r.mariotti at> wrote:

> My thoughts immediately went towards a centralized LDAP mechanism and
> designing/creating a single callable login facility to accomplish this.
> As I personally have ZERO experience working with LDAP, I was hoping
> that those of you who have had experience can share your advice as to
> what works/what doesn't.

The trouble with LDAP has traditionally been that it is complicated to
set up and configure, and that front-end directory administration
tools are stone-age if they exist at all. It doesn't help that its
been around _forever_ so Google results get cluttered with out-of-date

OpenLDAP binary packages solve the first problem nicely, but there's
still a few minutes of by-hand configuration and bootstrapping

As for LDAP administration front-ends, anybody have any suggestions? I
heard good things about the Netscape Directory console that was
supposed to be open-sourced last year, but I could never figure out
where or how to download and install it.

Chris Snyder

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