[nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu Nov 9 14:56:19 EST 2006

For you guys, does the X in AJAX really stand for XML? Or are you sending
back finished HTML?

When it's finished HTML, dropping it into your page is utter cake, but the
front/back presentation/biz logic separation is less clean. When it's
XML, you find yourself doing all that DOM stuff and it gets tedious. Why
go to the trouble of generating XML if you never intend to do anything but
turn it into HTML anyway?

Unless I'm missing something...

David Mintz

En Nueva York el tránsito de la belleza a la desolación sucede
siempre expeditivamente, como si el principio universal
de máxima eficiencia hubiera aconsejado la supresión de
gradaciones intermedias.

  -- Antonio Muñoz Molina, Ventanas de Manhattan

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