[nycphp-talk] PHP Development on the Road (Advice Needed)

Bill Kamm wkamm at
Sun Nov 12 09:27:52 EST 2006

And if you get tired of Starbucks, try Panera Bread.  They offer free wifi:


edward potter wrote:

>Nirvana on the road?
>iBook G4
>Full php/mysql/apache environment:
>Starbucks monthly wifi pass
>Paypal ATM/debit card linked to ebay account
>Yoga DVD
>Craigslist  (to meet the locals)
>:-)  ed
>On 11/11/06, Peter Sawczynec <ps at> wrote:
>>I am moving from NYC to Tampa, Florida Gulf Coast area in several days.
>>I'll be mobile, on the road for 2-3 months till I set permanent new
>>But, I will need a few hours internet access everyday to keep updating web
>>Are there any PHP road warriors who have faced similar transient work
>>How do you stay connected for FTP, Telnet, etc?
>>I'm looking at:
>>Boingo or Wayport (wifi hot spot subscription services) for internet at
>>stores, hotels, airports, etc.
>>Have you experienced whether one can use FTP clients for normal anonymous
>>Telnet, WinSCP, putty and Windows Remote Desktop?
>>Will these work through these service interfaces?
>>Any other tried true solutions?
>>Any feedback/advice would be much appreciated,
>>Warmest regards,
>>Peter Sawczynec
>>Technology Director
>>_Design & Interface
>>_Database Management
>>ps at
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