[nycphp-talk] XAMPP upgrade from lite version

Lee Underwood leeu at
Fri Oct 6 14:05:52 EDT 2006

I have been successfully running the lite version of XAMPP. I now 
want to upgrade so I can use Mercury Mail for testing, as well as 
adding Perl. I just want to check to see if there is a different 
method for doing it aside from the one I figured out. I am going to 
save the httpd-vhosts.conf and php.ini files (I made several changes 
to them). Then backup the htdocs dir. Then I will delete the 
XAMPPLITE dir and install the XAMPP version, adding back the 
httpd-vhosts.conf and php.ini files and the htdoc directory (a few 
subdirectories actually).

I figured that the httpd-vhosts.conf and php.ini files are the same 
in the full version so I wouldn't have to make all the changes again. 
Does this look correct? Any suggestions?


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