[nycphp-talk] mod_rewrite -- what's the big deal?

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Tue Oct 10 17:34:38 EDT 2006

paul at wrote:
> The overwhelming majority of the world's web sites are circling in a 
> holding pattern.  They are held by domain name speculators,  operators 
> of made-for-adsense empires,  or display the default holding page of 
> domain name registrars.  The Netcraft statistics are dominated by a 
> small number of operators who host tens of thousands of sites per 
> server -- a job which Apache is fantastic at.

But still, among the "active domains", the number is 61% Apache. I think 
if a domain returns a page, it is "active" regardless of whether it is a 
"parked" page or some ad page.

> If the "market" is the market for web applications (people who would 
> pay $$ to install your app on their server or people who would 
> download and install an open source app),

So a static site should not be counted? That doesn't make sense.

>   I think that IIS owns more than 30% of the market,  but I doubt more 
> than 50%.  It's hard to get accurate numbers for this

Netcraft look at the actual headers returned from an HTTP connection to 
a site - dont see anything wrong with sampling this way (at least, 
there's no humans involved and the whole thing is automated).

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