[nycphp-talk] OT?: HTML question

David Krings ramons at
Sat Oct 14 07:48:11 EDT 2006

At 09:38 PM 10/13/2006, you wrote:
>Another possible solution to the whole thing is to just use a named
>variable inside of the submit itself + switch on that instead of
>using 3 form blocks:
><form method="post" action="form.php">
><input name="submit" value="back" type="submit" />
><input name="submit" value="next" type="submit" />
><input name="submit" value="home" type="submit" />
>- Jon

Yes!! This is what I was hoping for. Sweet, small, easy and on a level that 
I can comprehend. Look Ma! No DIVs needed!

This is so straight forward that I am really annoyed that I didn't figure 
this out myself.

Thank you very very very much! This makes my day and hopefully will get me 
through the trip to the IKEA store. :7

         David K.

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