[nycphp-talk] Successor to the Web?

Phil Duffy phil at
Fri Oct 20 13:15:43 EDT 2006

I would like to express my appreciation to those in the NYPHP community (I
counted 13 responses) who responded to my question about a potential
successor to the Web.  It will take me a while to analyze these responses,
but the picture that was communicated was already useful to me.


I found the references provided by Dan Krook particularly useful for my


Ajax and REST, Part 1: Advantages of the Ajax/REST architectural style for
immersive Web applications


Some more information about REST principles:



My goal was to check my development direction, to be sure that I had not
become too attached to my current set of development tools only to find that
serious successors were already emerging and the work I was doing would soon
become obsolete.  My impression at this point is that my general direction
is reasonable, but requires some modification.


I should have described the application characteristics in more detail.
They must run over the Internet or a public equivalent.  They must blend
content management with data management.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons
that I seem to be encountering force-fits because as at least one
contributor to this discussion pointed out, the Web is stateless by design


If I have encountered some difficulties in dealing with statelessness for
the applications I am developing, it is not because of any difficulties I am
encountering in PHP.  I am impressed with PHP, but it is not the whole


Again, many thanks for the contributions that were made to this discussion.
They have saved me a great deal of research effort.


Phil Duffy

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