[nycphp-talk] Introducing OpenLaszlo (is it the new t hang?):-)

Dan Horning lists at
Sat Oct 21 09:35:49 EDT 2006

out of personal curiosity,
why aren't they using their own dev tool for their own front end?
If for flash it's great then that's awesome by itself, but what 
applications has it been used in?
the demos are pretty awesome, but all seem to revolve around flash.

has anyone actually used it that's on this list? what's your dev 
timeline been with OpenLaszlo vs other frameworks?
I really like the concepts behind OpenLaszlo and would like to chat with 
a few people who've used it.

-dan horning

Mark Withington wrote:
> FYI - if you're near Boston next Tuesday or Wednesday the AJAX Experience
> (and OpenLaszlo) is showing.  Alternatively, BostonPHP is hosting an AJAX
> presentation 10/25 @ 6:30 where Max Carlson (Co-Founder will
> provide and update on his 2/06 presentation:
> The Road to AJAX - In the past, OpenLaszlo been regarded as a Flash-only
> tool. In fact, OpenLaszlo is a powerful language for rich, custom
> declarative user interface programming that's been under development for
> over 5 years. It's a powerful framework, and it has an exciting future as a
> single (OpenSource) language that can target Flash, DHTML and soon,other
> runtimes. 
> In this talk Max will talk about the process of making OpenLaszlo a
> runtime-independent platform, including the first year of AJAX. He will give
> an overview of the current multi-runtime architecture, including techniques
> for using and extending it. See an overview of the language, and talk about
> the future of OpenLaszlo as an AJAX platform.
> All BostonPHP events are free as in "beer" and open [to all] as in "source".
> More info here
> (,com_gigcal/task,details/gigcal_gi
> gs_id,21/)
> Hope you can make it,
> Mark
> -------------------------------------------
> Mark L. Withington
> Benevolent Dictator and acting President
> "supporting the PHP/OSS community"
> PO Box 1354
> Plymouth, MA  02362
> o: 800-310-3992 ext. 704
> f: 508-746-4973
> v: 508-746-2383/508-570-2285
> m: 508-801-0181
> AIM: BostonPHP 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talk-bounces at
>> [mailto:talk-bounces at]On Behalf Of edward potter
>> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 9:06 AM
>> To: NYPHP Talk
>> Subject: [nycphp-talk] Introducing OpenLaszlo (is it the new
>> thang?):-)
>> yipes!  Has anyone played with this yet? Can I hook it into mySQL?
>> "OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for creating zero-install web
>> applications with the user interface capabilities of desktop client
>> software.
>> OpenLaszlo programs are written in XML and JavaScript and
>> transparently compiled to Flash and soon DHTML. The OpenLaszlo APIs
>> provide animation, layout, data binding, server communication, and
>> declarative UI. An OpenLaszlo application can be as short as a single
>> source file, or factored into multiple files that define reusable
>> classes and libraries.
>> OpenLaszlo is write once run everywhere. An OpenLaszlo application
>> developed on one machine will run on all leading Web browsers on all
>> leading desktop operating systems."
>> more info here;
>> --
>> the Blog:
>> the Karma:
>> the Projects:
>> the Store:
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Dan Horning -
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