[nycphp-talk] exif_thumbnail

David Krings ramons at
Tue Oct 31 13:51:51 EST 2006


    I want to use exif_thumbnail to extract the thumbnail of an image 
and then have it displayed within a page. The page will have content 
before and after the thumbnail, and the thumbnail may be present or not. 
In order to have it show correctly, all manuals state to send the 
content setting using header(). Since this is supposed to be embedded in 
other content, I can't send the header (already started output).

So how do I get my thumbnail to show up on my page? Any simple 
solutions? Do I need to turn the string into a temp file first and then 
use that?

I googled for a solutions, but it seems that everyone only wants to show 
the thumbnail image without anything else on a page.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

    David K.

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