[nycphp-talk] (no subject)

jface at jface at
Sat Sep 16 18:08:02 EDT 2006

My jscript is a bit rusty, but at the very least you could have your form submit button fire off a javascript function before submitting the form, via an onSubmit event:

function checkExtension(){
     var input = document.formName.fileUploadName.value;
     if (input.indexOf(".jpg") == -1){ // file isn't a jpg
          alert("This isn't a jpg!");

Obviously people could still upload fake files by adding a fake extension, so I think ultimately you'd want php to do real filetype checking after submission, just to be safe.

I didn't test that script out, so it may require tweaking to work. Hope it helps.

Jonathan Face

On Sat, 16 Sep 2006 08:52:54 -0400, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:
> Hi,
> 	this one is not squarely on topic with PHP, but I will use it with a PHP 
> script, so hopefully this counts. I like to get some more control over
> file 
> uploads. I am currently working on a small project for managing picture
> and 
> videos for display on the web (yes, I know there are bazillions out there,
> but mine is better ;) ). One adds a picture by uploading the file to 
> server. I want to filter the upload by file extension on the client side. 
> The HTML input "file" is implemented quite crappy and leaves the interface
> at the mercy of the browser. Is there any way to get some more smarts into
> the browse box for file uploads? There isn't much merit in having someone 
> upload a huge file that is clearly not an image just to throw it away. I 
> tried some of the JavaScripts that I could find on the web, but I have no 
> clue what they are doing and from my empirical evidence they don't do a 
> thing, at least not with FiFo.
> 	Any advice is greatly appreciated.
> 		David
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