[nycphp-talk] Frameworks under Subversion control ...

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Sep 18 19:00:04 EDT 2006

Baer, Jon wrote:
> I have a question on how others are handling their 3rd party frameworks
> ... Specifically the ones under some type of version control (and when
> your code itself is under version control).  There was a recent security
> fix for CakePHP and an ~svn up~ provided the quickest way to get to the
> fix*.

I've had pretty good results using vendor branches to manage customised
versions of upstream software.

Once you get the hang of things it makes management pretty simple,
essentially all you're doing is maintaining a local mirror of the
upstream source, then merging it into your repository whenever you want
to update to the latest versions from upstream.


> The problem w/ this is that there are potentials for breakage under your
> unit tests (or just your code if you don't do test cases).  If you have
> a lot of code between the revisions of your last framework update it can
> be cumbersome to check everything.  
> Would tagging your code based on major framework updates (1.x.x.x) be
> the best solution in case something goes awry?
> Im also thinking of symlinking across the framework versions as another
> alternative ... Just wondering how others might be handling it ...
> - Jon
> *On a side note Ive heard of mixed effects of using svn:externals
> (albeit an svn upgrade, etc) and still not sure if it is the best
> option.

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