[nycphp-talk] Client vs. Server programming

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Sep 22 09:52:01 EDT 2006

There is also a case of where your client will not always be the  
loaded browser you expect (FF, IE, OP) w/ XHR built in ... there are  
many smaller devices w/ non multithread requirements ... of course  
this won't always be the case ... its good to look @ things like how  
the frameworks handle the issue, ie Cake (RequestHandler) or  
something similar which give you options on how to process it.

Im just waiting to see what scheme the open RDBMS come up w/ to  
handle XHR requests on there own (ala no application layer @ all).   
Exists already Im sure.

- Jon

On Sep 22, 2006, at 1:05 AM, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> Leo Kokin wrote:
>> I've spent some time developing proficiency in JavaScript and AJAX.
>> Every time I try to go to the server PHP programming, I end up
>> scratching my head asking why would anybody program on the server?
> Sounds to me like you don't understand the distinction between
> client-side and server-side, or you're just trolling.
> To answer your question directly, if your application was entirely
> client-side, then it's pointless to make it a web application, and you
> miss out on all of the benefits of this cool thing called the  
> Internet.
> Chris
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