[nycphp-talk] High-powered file viewer

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Apr 3 06:07:45 EDT 2007

Wondering if anybody can give personal experience with a linux-based 
flexible file viewer.

The file in question is a mixed binary/ascii (yes ascii, not utf-8) 
format from a DOS program.  It appears that financial data and dates are 
encoded as binaries, probably to save space, and that would mean there 
are also pointers in there.  I've got to identify about 4 important 
fields and pull them out.

I've done jobs like this plenty of times, but not since my fox days, and 
fox was pretty good with stuff like this.  I've never had to do it with 
*nix tools.

I'm aware that there are plenty of hex viewers out there, what i'm 
hoping for is that somebody has done something similar or close and can 
recommend a good viewer from personal experience.

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