[nycphp-talk] single quote vs. double quote

tedd tedd at
Wed Apr 11 10:15:08 EDT 2007

At 9:38 AM -0400 4/11/07, Michael Southwell wrote:
>There may well be.  One issue that I have not seen discussed in this 
>connection is that of coding automaticity.  If you *always* write 
>things in the same way, doing so becomes eventually automatic and 
>nearly unconscious. This situation minimizes errors and maximizes 
>speed, which is always a good combination goal. A good text editor 
>can make such jumping back and forth (or any such oft-repeated 
>action) extremely simple. In this case, then, what is optimized is 
>not execution speed/efficiency but rather coder speed/efficiency, 
>which is always (or at least almost always) more important.

Thank you.

There are some, like myself, who come from different language 
backgrounds/customs and use that experience to program in php. 
Additionally, if you are an "all purpose" web programmer, then you 
also program in other languages as well (i.e., mysql, javascript, 
ajax, html, xml, etc.).

The "jumping-in/out" boundaries between languages becomes blurred 
when solving a problem in concert with different languages. I often 
look at web programming not as several languages, but as a single 
language with many different rules in which I have to find a common 
path. No one set of rules can be applied to all, at least not yet. 
But the trend/need, as I see it, is there.



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