[nycphp-talk] Copying file from HTTP/FTP using copy()

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Apr 28 08:55:54 EDT 2007

You would probably be better off using the libcurl commands ...

As getinfo is one of the better options to get stats on the transfer  
in question ...

- Jon

On Apr 28, 2007, at 7:32 AM, David Krings wrote:

> Hi!
> Here is what I like to do:
> Get a user entry (text string) that is either an HTTP or FTP url to  
> a file, for example
> or
> and then use the copy() function to download it and store it  
> locally on my server.
> This is the piece of my code that is supposed to do the copying:
> if ($nourl == FALSE) {
>   // Make local zip file path and name
>   $localzipfile = sessiondir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$sessionid.".zip";
>   // urlencode url
>   $urlupload = urlencode($urlupload);
>   // Copy file
>   if(!copy($urlupload, $localzipfile)) $nourl = TRUE;
> }
>   // Check if error occured
>   if($nourl == TRUE) {
>   errmessage("OUCH - Downloading the file from ".$urlupload.
>              " to temporary storage failed! Try again!");
> }
> $nourl is an error flag, $localzipfile is the path and name of the  
> local file (directory exists, I created it earlier), $urlupload is  
> the submission from the user (file on my own web server, if I put  
> the url in a browser, the download works), errmessage is a function  
> that displays a nice  error message and some buttons to go back.
> The PHP manual claims that copy() handles the same wrappers that  
> fopen supports. Unfortunately, the response from copy() is either  
> 'worked' or 'did not work', not much to go by.
> The questions of the day:
> Why does copy($urlupload, $localzipfile) fail?
> Is copy() even the right command to use?
> I found a piece of code here
> but I wonder if that works for binary files as well.
> As usual, any help is greatly appreciated.
> David
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