[nycphp-talk] Many pages: one script

Elliotte Harold elharo at
Mon Aug 6 18:40:04 EDT 2007

David Krings wrote:
> Elliotte Harold wrote:
>> Edward Potter wrote:
>>> hmmmm, I have never found this to be a problem.  Using includes, you
>>> can pull in .php code from anywhere, even pages with a .php extension
>>> may be 99.99% html, with a  just a single include('foo.php') in it.
>>> Keeps things super streamlined, and your pages are very readable.
>> You've got it backwards. I want one script to service many URLs, not 
>> many scripts to service one URL.
> And that is exactly how Edward described it. You include the one script 
> into the many URLs you want to make use of the script.
> I guess that isn't what you are after, it just reads that way.

What you are proposing is not one script to service N URLs. It is N+1 
scripts to service N URLs. It is still necessary to create N separate 
loader scripts and place them at the right locations. That doesn't 
scale, and it's an extraordinary waste of resources when a small 
percentage of the possible URLs will ever be reached.

The goal here is to avoid having to manually create and maintain 
separate files for each URL. One file: many URLs. That's the goal.

Imagine, for example, a site with a separate URL structure for each 
user, or a separate URL for each date in history.

The point about this being an Apache problem rather than a PHP problem 
is understood, except that Java/Tomcat/mod_jk does seem able to 
accomplish what I'm looking for, so the real lack may not be in Apache 
but in now PHP connects to Apache.

Overall, though, I suspect all parties (Apache, PHP, Tomcat, Rails. 
etc.) are still too mired in circa-1994 models of web servers serving 
file systems. For example, once you map /foo to a servlet you can't then 
map /foo/bar to something else.

I'm curious if they're any web servers out there that do not start with 
the assumption that each URL maps to a file somewhere. What if a web 
server were designed to allow all URLs to be delegated to specific 
handlers? A file system handler need be only special case, no different 
from a database handler or a PHP handler.

RESTful API *design* is fairly easy to do. RESTful API *implementation* 
is fairly hard because no servers I've seen provide sufficient 
flexibility. Coming up on the Web's 20th anniversary, we still haven't 
learned how to take HTTP on its own terms rather than by pretending its 
something else we're more familiar with. Revolutions take time. :-)

Elliotte Rusty Harold  elharo at
Java I/O 2nd Edition Just Published!

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