[nycphp-talk] Many pages: one script

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Mon Aug 6 21:03:01 EDT 2007

On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:28 PM, inforequest wrote:
> For me (a search engine optimizer) the core questions come later...  
> how does that MVC front controller handle "exceptions" like:
> /news/2007 (missing params) -> should 301 to default URL like /news/ 
> 2007/01/01/ or throw a 404
Unless you have a separate virtual resource that shows an archive of  
news for 2007 and not the january 1 entries, right?

> /news/2007/07/07 (no trailing slash) -> 301 to trailing slash  
> version /news/2007/07/07/
John, how important is this?  I think a former discussion on the list  
mentioned that most search engines are ok with the trailing slash vs.  
no trailing slash going to the same resource.

Thanks a lot,

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