[nycphp-talk] Good Font Size Control

csnyder chsnyder at
Thu Aug 9 10:11:59 EDT 2007

On 8/8/07, Michael B Allen <ioplex at> wrote:
> On 8/8/07, Tom Sartain <tomsartain at> wrote:
> > As far as the AAA controls, the easiest way I've seen to do this is to
> > have alternate style sheets for each font size, then use javascript to
> > switch between them. I'm hoping you have a few sites to refer to and
> > figure out the logistics of it all, but that's the basic concept.
> Changing the font-size of the body has no effect on text within td
> elements. Changing the font-size on td elements has no effect on form
> input elements like buttons. Etc, etc, etc. This problem can't be
> *that* hard. Is there really no better way to control font-size of all
> page elements simultaneously?

Just make font-size jump the table boundary using:

table { font-size: inherit; }

Tom, your tip about 62.5% is one I've never run across before. Nice!

I think the best (as in, most comprehensive) way to go about this is
to put in the work and create multiple stylesheets. For all but the
most simple and flexible of designs, increasing the font size will
crowd or break some design elements.

It's much nicer for visually-impaired users to see a properly
proportioned design at the largest size, rather than giant text
squeezed into standard-size columns. You can also replace images that
need to be larger, tweak icon sizes, etc.

Chris Snyder

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