[nycphp-talk] Eliminating namespace conflicts between scripts?

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Thu Aug 16 10:18:10 EDT 2007

On 8/16/07 9:40 AM, "Brent Baisley" <brenttech at> wrote:

> Well, that's part of what classes are for, to manage namespaces. Since
> you are probably not going to redo the open source app to use classes,
> you'll have to minimize the name spaces your app uses. Although you
> may just want to resolve conflicts as they come up.
> Those are some ideas. Curl will add a lot of overhead, but I admit I
> have gone that route before.

That's a lot of work...and testing. I probably have less than a dozen global
variables and functions in my app, but there's always "but".... A curl call
every hour or so...or even once a day with good caching seems so much easier
and safer.

What about issuing a command line call? Although opening up this
functionality adds so many security risks. 

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