[nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Timothy Boyden tboyden at
Mon Aug 20 12:42:34 EDT 2007

Like John and Ted mention, it's not about the money, I paid and I was
helped and I am grateful, it's about the ethics of full disclosure.

Besides, it's your work and you own the copyright on your design of the
solution, so you alone have the "opportunity" to help others in the
spirit of open source by providing the source code so others may freely
benefit from your work. If you choose not to do so it is your right, but
you should be forthwith and say so.

PHP is open source as well as this list. Share the code!

BTW I guess I'm in the wrong business as a Sys Admin, cause I don't
nearly make $30 an hour...


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of John Campbell
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 12:23 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

> I am sorry that you feel unhappy for having to pay a few dollars for 
> an article that successfully solved your issue. Considering that you 
> appear to be employed (at SuperCoups) and the typical hourly PHP wage 
> is well over $30, if this article saved you 18 minutes of effort 
> seeking a solution then you have made a fine investment
($8.78/($30/60) = 17.56 minutes).
> If a magazine publishes your work it is unethical to then give the 
> article away for free. You should know that I do not receive 
> royalties; you asked for assistance with a topic and so I let you know

> that the solution existed in the article. In the future if you seek 
> support and then accept the help, please refrain from then ranting 
> negatively about the means in which it was given.

That is a troll.  You referenced a solution and didn't bother to mention
that it required a paid subscription.  That is deceptive, no matter how
valuable the article.  Rather than just apologizing for doing that, you
chose to give the rest of us a finance and ethics lesson.

-John Campbell
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