[nycphp-talk] how did you learn php?

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Mon Aug 27 11:23:14 EDT 2007

Hello All,

> Now I'm in
> way over my head and constantly debate the merits of switching to a 
> framework
> versus hobbling along with my own "framework".

Mself included. After all the discussion about frameworks, I've decided to 
stick to what
I'm doing and continue to refine my toolbox/framework. It works well, and I 
still don't see
how switching will save me development time.

Anyways, I learned when my first coding job demanded I write code in PHP. 
Until then,
I only had experiance in C & VB, both of which I learned by reading and 

So, I would say, "lots of book reading and code writing got me started".
I also did a few vaporware GPL apps to get started.
People don't really care how much you have to learn still, when your coding 
for free, so long
as you deliver working code on time. = ]

- Ben

Ben Sgro, Chief Engineer
ProjectSkyLine - Defining New Horizons

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cliff Hirsch" <cliff at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] how did you learn php?

> On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:01:09 -0400, Mitch Pirtle wrote
>> On 8/26/07, Anthony <speel3k at> wrote:
>> > Hey, i'm kinda new around here and just tinkering around with php. My
>> > question to you guys is how did you learn? by reading or by taking 
>> > apart
>> > scripts and adding your own style or what? I'm very curious.
>> ...
>> So rolling up
>> your sleeves and diving in might be the fastest way to get you on the
>> road, so to speak.
> But...what are you trying to accomplish? Tinkering? Developing an 
> application?
> When I started, regretfully, there really weren't any frameworks. Now I'm 
> in
> way over my head and constantly debate the merits of switching to a 
> framework
> versus hobbling along with my own "framework".
> For tinkering, sure, learn and play with php. This is a wicked cool tool:
> Install it, play with it, experiment with code snippets in it. Instant 
> feedback.
> But if you want to develop a full-bore application, please don't roll your 
> own
> -- learn a framework while you are learning php.
> Clif
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