[nycphp-talk] GD w/ Lots of Files

Pete Czech - New Possibilities Group, LLC czech at
Thu Aug 30 13:14:07 EDT 2007

Thanks for all the suggestions.  I'm debugging it now and making sure i 
destroy everything.  I'd send you the code but it's huge.  Basically, 
I'm taking each photo and downsizing 4 ways per. Yes, 4.

I'll check out shalbum as well - sounds great.  But for this, there are 
associated DB calls and tons of other things I have to do.  Thanks again!

Gary Mort wrote:
> Pete Czech - New Possibilities Group, LLC wrote:
>> Hey all:
>> I'm trying to process 100-150 jpgs that are 2-4 mb into smaller files.  
> If you have shell access and either image magick or magickimage, use 
> shalbum.
> Shalbum is FAST, has a lot of greate features, and zips through image 
> files.
> Technically, what it does is take a directory full of images, and a 
> bunch of parms, and creates 2 new versions of each image(a thumbnail 
> and a fullsize), places them all in a new set of directories, and 
> creates a simple set of HTML pages to navigate between them as a photo 
> gallery.
> But I find it easy to use for practically anytime I need to create a 
> couple hundred thumbnails and I don't want to have to deal with a PHP 
> script timing out(if run over the web) or any other issues.
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Pete Czech
Lead Guru
New Possibilities Group, LLC

AIM: PJCzech

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