[nycphp-talk] PHP Question -- SID in Oracle

Julia Sheehy jusheehy at
Tue Dec 4 08:18:47 EST 2007

My question is:  how can I accurately capture and display the name of 
the db to which I am connected?

We use Oracle here.  If you know of a solid online resource for 
PHP/Oracle guidance which I can tap, please redirect.

I'm developing a little application connected to our pre-production 
database.  Once the application is live I'll be pointing it to the live 
database.  In the interim I'd like to note on the screen which database 
the user is connected to so that the folks beta testing are kept aware 
(and don't stress out when they've deleted several things they didn't 
intend to remove).

I am attempting to use the getenv function for this purpose:


  but when I echo it

echo "ORACLE_SID = $ORACLE_SID<br>";

It shows that I am connected to the live database when I am certain (I 
checked both the connection params and all the data after posting 
changes) I am connected to pre-production.

Thanks either way.  I am searching via other sources too.

Julia Sheehy
Vassar College
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