[nycphp-talk] OOP Books & Resources

Dell Sala dell at
Wed Dec 12 11:55:40 EST 2007

On Dec 11, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Ben Sgro wrote:

> Thing is, it doesn't have to be a php oop book. I just want
> it to really flesh out all the OOP Design details.

If language isn't an issue, I'd recommend Bruce Eckel's "Thinking In  
Java". It starts by covering OOP from the ground up, in a somewhat  
language-non-specific way.

I believe you can download electronic versions for free.

Once you get the basics down, I'd recommend looking at design  
patterns. I happen to like "Head First Design Patterns". You either  
love this series or hate it. This also includes examples in Java.

Another interesting read, from a somewhat philosophical perspective,  
is "Object Thinking", by David West. He is an XP and OOP evangelist.  
He proposes a way of thinking about objects and programming in  
general, as a simulation of real-world things. Really drives home  
great design principals.

There's a podcast interview with him gives you a sense of what he's  
all about.

-- Dell

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