[nycphp-talk] Closing Tags or Not Closing Tags, that is my question...

mikesz at mikesz at
Mon Dec 17 21:09:47 EST 2007

Hello and Greetings To All,

"The closing PHP tag isn't required and actually stops people breaking
things. We removed it intentionally, since some customers were adding
whitespace to the end and getting blank pages / cookie errors."

This was posted by a senior developer for a VERY popular PHP product.

Any body care to comment on this, I am a little disturbed about where
it came from having had the white space after the tag problem on more
than one of the products I have had the joy to troubleshoot... but I
don't think dropping the closing tag was ever a solution that I
entertained. I just think its a poor and sloppy approach to problem
solving. Any comments?

Best regards,
 mikesz                          mailto:mikesz at

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