[nycphp-talk] Zend Framework

Kenneth Dombrowski kenneth at
Mon Feb 5 08:51:33 EST 2007

On 07-02-05 13:09 +0000, Phillip B. Roberts wrote:
> I am building my first application in ZFW, I had previously tried
> working with Cake, Symphony and web.framework but found all of them
> restrictive. I am loving the ZFW and have found that the source is
> probably the best documentation. I will be excited to see 1.0. I will be
> in Boston at the end of the month to see Matthew Weier O'Phinney, a ZFW
> Developer speak about the framework. Should be interesting! 

I've just begun working with it too, can you provide us with more info
about the O'Phinney talk? 


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