[nycphp-talk] WAP Email Portal

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Feb 8 20:08:09 EST 2007

Normally don't bother w/ a full blown "portal" per se ... but you can  
probably proxy it with getmail (

This little app is pretty cool in that you can pipe off your mail to  
a PHP script (ie format it, grep it, etc)

Take a look @ the configuration page to get an idea ... http://

Only recommend it because it supports single and multi IMAP (+SSL)  
(and you wouldn't need to recompile PHP for IMAP support)

- Jon

On Feb 8, 2007, at 3:24 PM, Matt Juszczak wrote:

> I am trying to install something that I can use my WAP browser to  
> check imap/imaps, write, folders, etc.
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Nicholas Hart wrote:
>> Matt,
>> What specifically are you trying to accomplish with it?
>> Nick

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