[nycphp-talk] Upcoming Month of PHP Bugs

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Feb 24 14:25:57 EST 2007

Sir Hans:

On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 07:44:05PM -0500, Hans C. Kaspersetz wrote:
> So the question is, what is the community's response to this issue?

Check out the discussions on the internals at mailing list.  
There was a thread that started on January 11 entitled "Comments on PHP 

Unfortunately, there's no really good mailing list archive that I know of 
where one can nicely pull up the entire thread.  MARC doesn't have all the 
emails. doesn't do threading.

This link, which uses the ID of the initial email in the thread, is as 
close as you're going to get to something usable:

To get the whole thread, just keep paging via next for more messages with 
that subject, don't be disuaded by other subjects getting mixed in the 
list.  The final message in the thread was on Jan 18 by Andi.


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