[nycphp-talk] PHP and running background tasks...

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Sat Feb 24 20:45:23 EST 2007

Brian Dailey wrote:
> Hey guys, my google-fu is failing me today so I thought I would turn 
> to the brilliant minds of the NYPHP.
> What I'd like to do is be able to execute a php script in the 
> background that does NOT impact the load time of the page itself. 
> Something that runs in the background and doesn't tie up the web 
> server. Does that make sense? Do any of you have any idea how one 
> would accomplish this?
Fork off a php process and let it run separately.  I think Synder, Hans 
Z and Hendry were doing this for a app a couple of years ago with some 
success.  When the forked process is done it calls the original script 
and reports.  But you have to be conscious of garbage processes.

Hans K
New Jersey Web Design

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