[nycphp-talk] Thoughts on using JavaScript with no progressive fall-back

michael lists at
Mon Feb 26 12:28:27 EST 2007

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 10:08:19 -0500
"Mark Withington" <mwithington at> wrote:

> I agree.  With absolutely no data to back this up, I bet any "serious"
> web user has JavaScript on and probably [relatively] up-to-date on
> their browser version. 

On the contrary.. "serious" web users have it turned off.  

Just because a lot of the other lemmings put on glittery outfits and
hurl themselves off the edge of the cliff, it doesn't mean we should
write into mailing lists and declare that everyone should.

java and her little dog 'script' are just as evil as flash.



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