[nycphp-talk] Thoughts on using JavaScript with no progressive fall-back

Jiju Thomas Mathew lists at
Mon Feb 26 12:56:24 EST 2007


If we are writing howtos and documentations, we can avoid javascript, but
when doing coding for an earning, we need buyers, where the real money is..

Just tell me now a days how many of you will create a webpage which will
look like a standard howto documentation? With just  Hx, b, p, dl, ul tags
and text only ? UGH.. I dont even remember doing that at least once..
JavaScript and the enhancements it provides is good in certain occassions,
when validating a form on the client side, actually this is to help a
genuine visitor, to make sure that he does not submit the page, and our
serverside validation kicks him to say that a particular field he typed is
not in the exact syntax which we expected to be..

I been a PHP/XUL programmer for the past 3+ years.. and now cannot even
think of a weeny bit of a page or application without JavaScript.

Jiju Thomas Mathew
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