[nycphp-talk] Thoughts on using JavaScript with no progressive fall-back

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Feb 26 21:17:06 EST 2007

Cliff Hirsch |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>On 2/26/07 6:28 PM, "csnyder" <chsnyder at> wrote:
>>On 2/26/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
>>> I'm seeing more and more applications that simply do not work if JavaScript
>>>is turned off. In fact, I'm looking at purchasing a slick shopping cart that
>>>seems great, but I think the lack of progressive fallback is a show stopper.
>>I'm a big fan of the "unobtrusive" approach, where you build
>>interfaces in Plain Old HTML + CSS and then use wicked DOM mojo to
>>convert them into rich applications on the client. If Javascript isn't
>>available, everything still works but with a lot more clicking.
>>As an example, to add an inline audio player on a page, I'll send this
>>to the browser:
>><a href="/path/to/some.mp3" class="audioplayer">Click here to play the
>>A window.onload event calls a javascript method that gets all <a>
>>elements with class="audioplayer", and replaces them with a
>>flash-based audio player, using the href attribute as the source of
>>the audio.
>>Without javascript and flash, you get a dumb link. With those evil
>>twins, you get a rich multimedia experience. As a bonus, the dumb link
>>is (in theory) accessible to screen readers, which seems especially
>>important for this particular example.
>So far...a great discussion. See, I knew nobody had a strong opinion. In
>theory, I am a fan of the progressive enhancement strategy. Reality is what
>Do I buy X-Cart and add "Web 2.0" enhancements.
>Or do I buy CS-Cart, a "next-genish" X-Cart, and make fallback work.
>It's never simple.
>BTW, DOM mojo? Yet another framework? I've heard of moca, but mojo? Must be
>a New York thing. "Wicked"? I though only us Bostonians said that.
>PSBTW -- for Chris, I have added my comment at the bottom!
Why would someone develop a "next-gen" x-cart that satisfy x-cart users? 
That's like a parallel gen, not a next gen. A next gen is supposed to be 

Probably best not to pursue the origins of the term mojo any further.

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