[nycphp-talk] multi-part form without refresh - point me to a working solution?

Brandy Whine brandywhine2007 at
Wed Jan 3 18:23:03 EST 2007

Nazmul Hassan <xdarkshadow98x at> wrote: well, to save it, you will have to use Ajax, to save the content even if it wasn't added. 
your saying, if text box A isn't filled, then text box B should be filled, and if neither are filled in then text box C must be filled in, then some sort of error will come? 
and also, this is working, on through the users browser, or through the server after the form values are put in. if it is through the users browser, then it shud be AJAX
yes, it seems that inorder to save the info I need to asynchronously send it back to the server even if the browsers js is show/hiding different parts of the form. Otherwise if someone filled in part but didnt "submit" I wouldn't get data.

is that right?

I'm not much for js programming.

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