[nycphp-talk] CAKE Ain't Soup!

Nate Abele nate at
Sun Jan 7 23:33:38 EST 2007

Some get a kick from cocaine.  I'm sure that if I took even one  
sniff, it would bore me terrifically, too.
Yet, I get a kick out of you.

> Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:08:41 +0800
> From: "mikesz at" <mikesz at>
> Subject: [nycphp-talk] CAKE Ain't Soup!
> To: talk at
> Message-ID: <45A07249.70100 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> In defense of Brian Daley's rant about CAKE and contrary to Nate  
> Abele's illness,
> I believe Brian's point are well founded and justified completely.
> As a complete CAKE novice, I knew/know nothing about Cake except  
> the misinformation that
> is contained on their home page, i.e *"No Configuration* - Set-up  
> the database and watch the magic begin".
> So I decided to check it out to see for myself what all the hype  
> was about so
> after wading through a miriad of "give us money" I finally was able  
> to download the
> package and attempted to install it on my local Apache Webserver.  
> Give that the installation
> instruction are clear as mud, I attempted to install it like any  
> other PHP Application
> but when I attempted to run it, I get  a "Your database  
> configuration file is  not present."
> and a screenful of junk that tells me nothing about how to install  
> the product, except an instruction
> that says, "run the install" but never says what that is.  
> Installation instructions, never mind documentation,
> are suppose to be specific, precise and correct. Cake is none of  
> the above.
> Cake may be cake but it is certainly not soup!
> Cake may be indeed a great leap forward but if you can not install  
> it "out of the box" no one will ever know.
> I, personally, don't "shop around" for information that isn't where  
> it is "suppose" to be. That means that
> Cake only had one shot to impress me, they did, negatively! All the  
> whining on the planet won't fix
> an installation process that is fatally flawed.
> regards, mikesz

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