[nycphp-talk] And the HTML guru is....

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Jan 9 11:56:10 EST 2007

Next time I'll put "simplified snippet" in bold 36pt, and I probably 
should have included the standard disclaimer, "for illustrative 
purposes" along with "strict compliance is left as an exercise to the 

...but if we're going to be picky, the best argument is working code, 
how about somebody posts the DIV/CSS code that does the same thing?  
I've heard from more than one person who has obviously read the blogs 
that tell them to use CSS2, but nobody has yet supplied any working 
code.   A lot of people helped me with this little problem, and now my 
customers are enjoying the benefits, but none of that help came from the 

I'll be very happy to post a "And the HTML CSS guru is..." as soon as 
somebody posts the CSS2 code that does the same thing.  I'll even buy 
you a drink at Friday's after the next meeting.  This is not a nasty 
I-don't-think-you-can-do-it challenge, its just that I'm not an HTML 
guru, that's why I asked for help.  As soon as somebody can show the 
code I'd be extremely happy, I'll use it from now on.  I'll be so glad 
I'll buy you a drink.  Shoot, I even offered in the post to pay, and 
nobody came up with anything.  The scientist in me wonders if it can 
actually be done.

tedd wrote:
> At 9:46 PM -0500 1/4/07, Greg Rundlett wrote:
>> On 1/4/07, Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> A helpful HTML guru has given me the solution to my height-dont-work
>>> problem in IE 6.
>>> The guru is.... (drumroll)  Tom Melendez of LIPHP fame.  He pointed out
>>> that changing the document type declaration to "quirks" mode makes IE
>>> work, instantly fixing the problem.
>>> For completeness, here is a simplified snipeet that illustrates the
>>> fixed situation:
>>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
>>> <html>
>>> <head>
>>>    <style>
>>>    html, body {
>>>       height: 100%;
>>>       width: 100%;
>>>       margin: 0px;
>>>    }
>>>    </style>
>>> </head>
>>> <body>
>>> <center>
>>>    <table cellspacing=0
>>>           style="width: 500px; height: 100%;">
>>>    <tr><td style="height: 100px" bgcolor=red>a </td></tr>
>>>    <tr><td>hello </td></tr>
>>>    <tr><td style="height: 100px" bgcolor=blue>b </td></tr>
>>>    </table>
>>> </center>
>>> </body>
>> I don't mean to be picky, but if you post a 'solution' then it ought
>> to be or attempt to be syntactically correct.  The simple snippet
>> above gets lazy about quoting attributes, ending semi-colons and the
>> type attribute is even missing from the <style> tag not to mention a
>> missing </html> tag.  Your point is made about doctype declarations,
>> but the code example would lead a newbie to believe that tag soup is
>> acceptable to 'gurus'.  All I had to do to produce the version below
>> was run it through tidy -im -ashtml /tmp/tmp.html
>> -snip-
>> Greg
> Hi all:
> In addition, I don't mean to be picky either, but the example is: a) 
> using a table to display other than table stuff; b) embedding css 
> (nothing really wrong with it other than it could be made 
> unobtrusive); c) placing design attributes within tags, which 
> certainly belong in a css file; d) and, has an incomplete DOCTYPE.
> It's hard to do build something strong, when you have a poor foundation.
> tedd

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