[nycphp-talk] And the HTML CSS guru is....

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu Jan 11 14:08:42 EST 2007

On Thu, 11 Jan 2007 JJainschigg at wrote:

> What a beautiful quote:
> "In New York, the transit from beauty to desolation always proceeds
> expeditiously, as if the universal principle of maximum efficiency had
> advised suppression of any intermediary states."

Nicely done! I think I would say "transition" instead of transit but
"...advised suppression..." is better than what I had come up with.

Sorry for the OT, folks.

David Mintz

En Nueva York el tránsito de la belleza a la desolación sucede
siempre expeditivamente, como si el principio universal
de máxima eficiencia hubiera aconsejado la supresión de
gradaciones intermedias.

  -- Antonio Muñoz Molina, Ventanas de Manhattan

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