[nycphp-talk] It's 2007, and we haven't talked about Shopping Carts since last year

Dell Sala dell at
Tue Jan 16 11:00:11 EST 2007

On Jan 16, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Jon Baer wrote:

> But does anyone know what ever happened to the OSCommerce  
> development?  Someone should take it over and "Cake" it :-)

Has anyone tried BakeSale?

re: OSCommerce -- Customizing that software is probably the most  
unpleasant coding experience I've ever had. I still haven't found a  
package that supports nearly as many useful features out of the box.  
But the coding style is so crazy that I just don't trust it. Has  
anyone used ZenCart? My understanding is that it is a "well  
maintained" fork of OSC.

-- Dell

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