[nycphp-talk] It's 2007, and we haven't talked about Shopping Carts since last year

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Jan 16 14:40:45 EST 2007

I'm attempting to use litecommerce, a sister product to X-cart. It seems
to make good use of oop, is 'skinned', and cheaper for a basic feature
set. It uses Flexy instead of Smarty, for templates, which is a pain,
because I know Smarty. The price adds up with options though. It
uniquely has an egoods pin code feature that I couldn't find anywhere
else. If I could...I'd gladly look at other carts.

Downside: "98%" opensource. Meaning some core files are encoded with
ioncube. And it does perform a license check. If that doesn't matter,
only one other caveat -- IonCube and Zend Debugger do not play together.

You may also want to look at: to
get a sense of a back-end order management solution that is compatible
with a bunch of carts.


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